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Issue Multisite


I just installed cPanel on my server, I have activated wildcard-subdomain and I have also enabled multisite on my PageCarton site, yet multiste is not working. Please what could be the reason?

  • Ayoola Falola
    6 yrs ago
    How did you activate multi-site?
    • isaac daramola
      6 yrs ago
      I navigated to Muilti-Site Manager -> Domain Manager -> Domain Options. I checked Allow sub-domains. (Requires wildcard domains on the web-server) and Users have domain names
  • Ayoola Falola
    6 yrs ago
    Theres also a setting in user settings. To allow user subdomain. Did you check that? And after all, clear cache.

    Also, u didnt share the error message. What happens when u attempt to go to username.example.com
    • Ayoola Falola
      6 yrs ago
      It indicates that you have not set wildcard domains correctly in your DNS settings. Normally, when wildcard domains is set, username.example.com should redirect to example.com.
    • isaac daramola
      6 yrs ago
      Thank you for the response. I have checked the user setting, but no setting related to multi-site there. Anytime I type userprofile.example.com, it takes me to a directory on the server. I checked "Allow sub-domains." & "Users have domain names username.domain.tld" and I have cleared cache more than 30 times and cleared browser's cache too yet no difference.
  • isaac daramola
    6 yrs ago
    What would you suggest I do?
    • Ayoola Falola
      6 yrs ago
      Find out more on how to set up wildcard domain by your hosting service provider.

      Normally, it would require you set up a CNAME record of '*' pointing to '@'.



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